Still deciding? Beautiful. That’s what education is for. Copper Mountain College gives you options to test out careers or professions you might pursue. Get a better feel for the world’s options and your strengths.
Your path is out there. Explore our pathways to find families of programs that serve similar needs in society or similar drives in us as individuals.
Along the way, build a solid foundation of core skills and knowledge. They will support your next level, when the day comes that you’re ready to launch toward your goal.
Discover Your Path
Applied Technology
Learn how sophisticated machines work and use that expert knowledge to troubleshoot, diagnose & repair them.
Arts & Humanities
From cave paintings to love poems to nanosatellites, humans create & communicate. Take your place in the conversation.
Business & Industry
Every business in every industry needs people, data & tech to work together well. Find the system that speaks to you.
Health Sciences
Learn the technical, scientific & human skills needed to be a nurse, nurse assistant, or health aide.
Public Safety
Help people stay safe, get help & seek justice. Serve and protect your community in a range of roles and agencies.
Investigate the physical world—from cell membranes to satellite signals. Observe, test, measure & question.
Social & Behavioral Studies
Study us. Bring a scientific mindset to understanding people across cultures, throughout history & at every age.