Copper Mountain College invites you to the 2022 Student Art Show and Mixer Friday, April…
CMC art students created a photo gallery on Flickr to share their works digitally. Virtual Participants were able to meet the artists, see their works, and hear them speak about their processes and ideas while in quarantine.
In a period of social distancing, many people around the globe have been confined to their homes for what is now becoming months. As artists, the students in the CMC arts department have taken this time as an opportunity to reflect inward, on what we cannot project outward.
Pat Collins, Art Major stated, “Socially Distanced is an exhibition focusing on this introspection; the study and expression of the self when completely removed from the rest of the world. Who are we when left to spend time only with ourselves? What kinds of relationships form in our minds? These are the types of questions they sought and explored in this observation of the un-observed self”.
If you are interested in viewing the Art Exhibition, you may go to the CMC website or to this Flickr group. For more information about this show, please contact Emily Silver at