Click video below for a quick introduction to the TASC
from some of our team!

Looking for help to improve your grade in a class?  Ask the TASC!

The tutors at the Tutoring & Academic Support Center (TASC) are here to help you achieve and succeed.  We are conveniently located in Rm 112 in Quad 100, and our services are FREE to CMC students. We have tutors for most subjects and can help with Canvas navigation as well as developing good study skills.  Walk-in and appointment tutoring available!

Hours For Spring 2025

Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm

Fridays 10am-3pm; Saturdays 10am-2pm

Schedule Your Appointment Now! Using Accudemia!

Sign on Using Student ID (7 digit version–add a zero to the beginning if needed to make seven digits) and your CMC password

Phone: 760-366-3791, ext. 5905

Online Appointments Now Available–just choose the online tutoring option in Accudemia when you select service.

Additional online tutoring options available 24/7 include Net Tutor and CA-Star. Both of these can be accessed by clicking on the Net Tutor link in the menu on the left side of your course Canvas page.


Schedule by Subject 

Math Schedule

Schedule by Tutors